Author: Cynthia Rand-Thompson

  • MBMAG at the Collector’s Gallery of the Oakland Museum

    MBMAG at the Collector’s Gallery of the Oakland Museum

    The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild exhibit “Imaginations in Metal” at The Collector’s Gallery of the Oakland Museum is a strong representation of the talents and versatility of the Guild membership. There are dramatic sculptural pieces, and an impressive variety of beautifully crafted jewelry. The show runs from Feb 4, 2007 – March 4, 2007.…

  • Andy Cooperman Workshop A Valuable Opportunity

    By Patty Reilly In a few weeks, MBMAG members will have the opportunity to take a workshop from writer, educator, and master metal smith, Andy Cooperman, who is one of the top artists in our field. According to a recent article in Art Jewelry magazine (Jan. 2007), Andy Cooperman creates dense microcosms from metal, stone,…

  • Help Wanted

    If anyone would like to work with me on the next couple of newsletters and then take over, I could really use the help. My husband will be retiring and our time on the West Coast will be gone before I know it. I would like this to be a smooth transition for this wonderful…