Category: Past Member News

  • Open Studios 2008 | Santa Cruz

    The Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County’s Open Studios Art Tour takes place the first three weekends in October. From the redwoods to the sea, thousands of art enthusiasts visit with artists in their studios to see the creative process at work. The Open Studios Art Tour is a self-guided tour with 300 studios open…

  • Artists Studio Tour 2008 | Monterey County

    In conjunction with the Monterey County Artists Studio Tours, the Jody Royee Gallery is showcasing the unique, handmade jewelry by three local metal artists. Treat yourself to an exciting experience viewing the jewelry of Sherry Cordova, Fran Grinels, and Daria Salus, all at one handicap accessible stop. The Jody Royee Gallery is a local gallery…

  • MPC Winter Jewelry Sale – Dec 4-6, 2007

    Monterey Peninsula College Metal Arts Department Annual winter Jewelry Sale what:Annual sale of work by current students in the Metal Arts program at MPC. Why not start your holiday shopping here? Beautiful, original pieces by up and coming artists are available at very reasonable prices. As always, profits from the sale go toward the purchase…