Tag: artisan made

  • Open Studios 2008 | Santa Cruz

    The Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County’s Open Studios Art Tour takes place the first three weekends in October. From the redwoods to the sea, thousands of art enthusiasts visit with artists in their studios to see the creative process at work. The Open Studios Art Tour is a self-guided tour with 300 studios open…

  • Artists Studio Tour 2008 | Monterey County

    In conjunction with the Monterey County Artists Studio Tours, the Jody Royee Gallery is showcasing the unique, handmade jewelry by three local metal artists. Treat yourself to an exciting experience viewing the jewelry of Sherry Cordova, Fran Grinels, and Daria Salus, all at one handicap accessible stop. The Jody Royee Gallery is a local gallery…

  • Key Dates – EiM 2008

    “Expressions in Metal” Pacific Grove Art Center Oct 24 – Dec 11, 2008 September 5 – Deadline for: Registration Form & Fee (postmarked) ASAP – Digital Images for Press Release (now for magazines or later for newspapers) Aug 15th – Digital images for postcard Submit one to three images of the work that you will…

  • Expressions in Metal Art Exhibition & Sale

    Expressions in Metal Art Exhibition & Sale

    Oct 24 – Dec 11, 2008 THE PACIFIC GROVE ART CENTER presents Expressions in Metal: New Work by 45 members of the Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild (MBMAG), from October 24 to December 11, 2008 On exhibit will be members’ recent work in media that ranges from high-karat gold to found objects and reflecting the…

  • Metals in Motion – March 2, 2008

    Metals in Motion – March 2, 2008

    The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild and the Collectors Gallery of the Oakland Museum of California present: Metals in Motion A showcase of unique work by over 50 outstanding jewelers and metal artists from Big Sur to Santa Cruz on display from March 2 – April 20, 2008 Reception March 8, 2008, 2 p.m. to…

  • Metals In Motion 2008 – Press Release

    The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild and the Collectors Gallery of the Oakland Museum of California present: Metals in Motion A showcase of unique work by over 50 outstanding jewelers and metal artists from Big Sur to Santa Cruz on display from March 8 – April 20, 2008 Reception March 8, 2008, 2 p.m. to…